Milinski K​nives
Custom Knives by Brian Milinski
Knifemaking Courses
Knifemaking Courses
Interested in a Basic or Intermediate knifemaking class? Fill out the contact form for more details.
Contact us to find out availability for upcoming courses.
Classes are available for beginner and intermediate knifemakers as well as leatherworkers.
Basic Course
Basic Course: This is a 1 or 2 day class and you will learn basic design, shaping, heat treatment and finish work. Upon completion, you will leave with your own handcrafted custom fixed blade knife!
(contact for availability and pricing)
Folding Knife Class
This is a 2-3 day class.
Learn how to design and make a gentleman's linerlock folder from design to a fully functioning/smooth action folder. Previous knifemaking experience required (blade grinding, etc.)
Half Day or 1 Day Course
1/2 day or 1 day course: Contact for availability to work on basic knifemaking techniques or leather sheathmaking.